
Deathspank leprechaun honcho
Deathspank leprechaun honcho

deathspank leprechaun honcho

There’s more quests that need to be done and more varied quests as well I should add. You get a far larger world to adventure in and incredible environments and holiday-themed terrors that need to be filled with holes. This sequel also gave us a nice chance to go all Michael Bay on things. We now have many times the number of big bosses that must die at your hand. The enemies are far more varied themselves and the bosses (if I may be so bold) are just excellent. Naturally his enemies are pretty well armed themselves with heavy machine guns, airstrikes and the latest in monocle technology to keep things nice and perky. DeathSpank: TOV was made at the same time as DeathSpank so we were able to take lessons learned on DeathSpank and craft an even better game with deeper adventure gameplay. Many brains will be teased, fortune cookies opened and possibly internet FAQs consulted by our players in the name of a puzzling good time. Oh and speaking of adventure, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue has even more adventure gameplay woven in with the slashing, bullet-shooting exciting combat. Statistically speaking at least some of them will even be used correctly. We took DeathSpank’s patented sword fighting action and added….guns! Guns in a video game? It’s crazy I know, but in the course of his new adventure entirely too many grenades, guns and bombs will be used in the search for Justice. No doubt by now you’ve played through your multiple copies of the original DeathSpank game (thanks for buying those by the way) and wonder how we can possibly top the tooth and nail action? We wondered too but luckily we had a brainstorm.

#Deathspank leprechaun honcho series#

Some describe the series as “Diablo meets Monkey Island” but I’d rather describe it as “DeathSpank-Like”. Of course you and everyone you associate with will know that DeathSpank is our hilarious, exciting, highly rated action-RPG mixed with adventure gameplay. Greetings citizens! This is Chris Mitchell from Hothead Games brimming over with tales of DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue!ĭeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue is our wonderful, full-figured sequel to DeathSpank but with more and better everything.

Deathspank leprechaun honcho